Bhutan is undoubtedly an exotic fishing destination in the world. For centuries, it remains isolated until 1960’s when first motor road connects Bhutan with the outside world. In another words Bhutan could be simply defined as an Angler’s Paradise. Fishing in Bhutan was not practiced, firstly as a Buddhist Nation it was totally against the religion. With the advent of Tourism in 1974 the entire nation adapted the modern Bhutan etiquettes with everything new right from the way we think and understand our culture and tradition. With the passes of time, Bhutan tourism discovered fishing (Catch & Release Basis) as the source of revenue for the country and fishing finally became the outdoor activities for the visitors. Besides fishing there are other activities in place such as meeting local peoples, knowing their living style and so on. BTT&T is very proud to offer fully customized itineraries for our valued clienteles. Because of the numerous options available such as various luxury accommodations, no limit on length of stay and spa/massage treatments etc. We can also design the adventure of your choice based on your requirements. For enquiry, contact our experts for the best support in making your fishing journey unforgettable.

However, about forty species of fishes have been recorded and is swarming in the rivers of Bhutan. Fishing spots range from large rivers to crystal clear streams and the altitudes range as low as 1300 m to 3500 m. The most common varieties of fish you will find are the snow trout (Local Fish) and the brown trout (Exotic) etc...

Particularly in Bhutan fishing means a mix adventure experience, where everything is in the list such as beautiful trout streams, mountains and cultural scenes etc... Fishing in the crystal clear rivers set against breathtaking landscape is what every angler dream for. Our fishing trips offer a creative combination of fishing in the best spots and cultural activities to make it more interesting and lively. To visit Bhutan just for fishing would be a mistake because there are exceptionally good places to be around, mainly with its ancient culture, mystical religion, many historic sites, exotic festivals, and rich environment. Bhutan has many attractions to offer such as fishing and camping along the river bank etc… We can offer you an experience that will be hard to forget. Therefore, we urge you to contact our team before you plan your fishing trip to Bhutan.

Fishing Information

We would like to inform all the anglers to bring your own gears and other fishing accessories coz there is no hire equipment readily available in Bhutan and very good reason is that Bhutan is not so familiar with fly fishing. Therefore, we highly recommend you to get your fishing gears so that you don’t regret at the time of fishing.

Some of the Fish Species Found in Bhutan

  • Brown Trout
  • Rainbow Trout
  • Golden Masher
  • Catla and
  • Many more...

Best Time for Fishing

The best time for fishing are in spring and autumn season whereby everything would be calm and best especially the weather. Some of the months which fall under spring and autumn are Mid-March till May and August and September. However, with years of experience and study our experts have identified best for fishing i.e. April and May and if monsoon is late than fishing is favorable till mid June.

Fishing Regions in Bhutan

Regions Altitude
Paro Valley - Western Bhutan Altitude: 2,250 m /7,382ft.
Thimphu Valley – Western Bhutan Altitude: 2,320 m /7,656 ft
Trongsa Region – Central Bhutan Altitude: 2,300 m /7,545ft.
Bumthang Valleys – Central Altitude: 2,600 m /8530ft.
Bhutan Lhuentse Region – North East Bhutan Altitude: 2,323 m / 7621ft
Despite the above mentioned fishing regions there are other fishing spot , lower Wangdue region best for Masheer i, (Punatshang Chu River), katla and Gardi in Gelephu region (Southern Bhutan). Likewise there are so many other places to do fishing. For detailed information’s and tour customizations kindly contact the experts for the suggestion and recommendation to make your tour full of smile.

Fishing Permit Formality

The following documents are required while applying fishing permit in Bhutan. Hence, Should any interested and looking forward to experience in Bhutan should bring passport size photographs (Two Nos.) or you can snap it here in Bhutan upon your arrival.

Fishing in Trout Water

Fishing in normal fishing sites in Trout water shall require a fishing permit which shall be issued by the designated authority upon payment of the following fee:
Duration Permit Fee per Individual (Nu) [Bhutanese/Non-Bhutanese] Issuing Authority Fishing Jurisdiction
Bhutanese Non Bhutanese
1 Day 250 1500 Beat Office, Range Officae or Field Division/Park Within Field Division/Park
1 Week 1000 6000
1 Month 3500 20,000
6 Months 8000 NA
1 Week 2000 7500 Designated Functional Division Whole Bhutan
1 Month 6000 22,500
6 Months 13,000 65,000
1 Year 20,000 1,30,000
Fishing permit with maximum validity of one month for recreational fishing in High-end recreational fishing sites in Trout water shall be issued by the designated functional Division or the nearest Forest Office upon payment of the following fee:
Permit Fee per individual (Nu)
1 Day 1 Week 1 Month
Bhutanese Non Bhutanese Bhutanese Non Bhutanese Bhutanese Non Bhutanese
2000 5000 8000 25,000 30,000 85,000


Bhutan Tigris Tours & Treks
Twins Building, Babesa Express Highway, Thimphu, Bhutan
